
Showing posts from June, 2020

Bharat Ke Veer

                                                       Image from Pixabay  Image by Jai Bhutani Ever since the news about the bloody Galwan Valley clash broke out, I have been restless, sleepless. I began following every bit of news to get the latest update. Thanks to Covid and the current lockdown situation, a lot of plans that I had made have just fallen flat. Plans for travel, religious and leisure, visiting cousins and friends, or even seeing off my dearest bestie before she leaves for the US - everything has come to a halt. I can't stop myself from cursing the neighbour that God has bestowed upon us with.  During such sleepless nights, I scroll my Twitter feed over and over again. I realised I have not done enough, if nothing for my motherland, for my community. I have only been taking a lot from them. Now that all plans have been put off indefinitely, there is little we can do by venturing out. Here's where technology helps. A handle I follow had shared a link to an event