The truth about the Genocide of Malabar Hindus by Moplahs

                                                      Image from Sunday Guardian

A detailed thread on the truth about the Moplah Genocide of Malabar Hindus - Original Twitter thread here

What we are witnessing today is history being turned into a graveyard of facts. Distortians are trying their best to wipe clean this tragic chapter of recent history in a bid to build an even more toxic narrative pertaining to the #MoplahGenocideOfMalabarHindus

The first step is to correctly call it by its real name. It was not the 'Moplah "Rebellion" or "Riots" ' as distortians tell us. We must refer to it correctly, as: The Savage Moplah Genocide of Malabar Hindus

How and why did things turn so horrific in Aug of 1921? Who were the Moplahs? This was no sudden or sporadic occurrence due to the sustained, inflammatory preaching, so then why?

The origins of the Mappila/Moplah can be traced to 8th/9th century, during which period there was continuous interaction of the Arab merchants permanently settled in Malabar who began to marry the Hindu women. They became the 'Mapilla' or 'Moplah' meaning son-in-law /damaad.

Over the course of time the Arabs lost their hold over trade and commerce in the Malabar region, they were overtaken by the Portuguese and thereafter other wealthier clans of traders. They lost wealth and power, were reduced to hired farmhands/labourers working under the 'cursed infidel Hindus'. It was a matter of time they became mercenaries/freelance plunderers, engaged in attacking well-to-do villages comprising majority Hindus. The latent anger at being subordinate to the 'infidel' Hindus bubbled forth in a nauseating pattern, they became a recurring source of trouble for the Hindus living in the villages - bcos of their constant arson, large scale looting,  kidnapping Hindu women, r@p!ng them, forced conversion.

Records show a minimum of fifty-one incidents of unprovoked major aggression and assaults against Hindus by the Moplahs predating the gruesome climax of the 1921 Malabar genocide of the Hindus Which is why the colonial British Administration was compelled to keep an extremely close watch on the Moplah's - they appointed a local authority as a Resident Magistrate -  one Mr Thakkar, who was charged with monitoring and taking action if and when they stepped out of line.

At this stage its important to have a sense of History bcos it reveals an important truth. The truth is the significance of the Ottoman caliphate for the Indian M's of those days. 

Why was the caliphate so important to Indian M's, even when the Arab world had rejected the caliphate so thoroughly?  

The answer dates back to Muhammad Bin Qasim, the first foreign M invader to conquer Sindh (at that time, part of undivided Bharat). That started the successive waves of foreign M invaders who established M empires in different parts of undivided Bharat of different sizes - our then princely States - all the way up to the Mughals - Aurangzeb followed by Tipu Sultan. Without exception these foreign M invaders, who called themselves Sultans - swore loyalty to the caliph. Remember that the caliph had sponsored these early Invaders, funded their armies! Their only aim - to conquer Hindustan and put the sword of !s!am here.

The M invader clans swore loyalty to the caliphate /Khalifa for at least 6 centuries! They sent him (the Caliphate) annual gifts - money/gold/jewelry/horses/slave women - ME region had a thriving slave market. Some of them even minted coins in Bharat bearing the name Khalifa! The caliph also played an extremely central role in aligning all M's from across the world thus fast becoming their new political axis.  The Khalifa (caliphate) began to be seen as the religious protector and enforcer of !s!am in the world, wherever M's stayed.

The Calpihs reach was global, his authority was universal. BUT with the disintegration of the Mughals when Aurangzeb died, the M leadership in India noticed with great sadness that their magnificent project of !s!amizing all Hindustan was systematically coming apart. To date many in Pak & India M leadership lament the death of Aurangzeb. In fact, one of the tactics that the Brit had used to ensure loyalty of M's was to convince the M's that they the M's, were the real rulers of India & that Brits were merely their protectors!

This tactic weakened when the Ottoman caliphate crumbled, it also made the Indian M's extremely nervous, insecure & angry. It begins roughly in 1919 when a man named Muhammad Ali Jauhar led a delegation of Indian M's to London. He demanded that the colonial British government restore the caliphate

They laughed at him and dropped his demand in the trashbin. That incensed Muhammad Ali Jauhar. Out of this rejection, was born a Khilafat committee, who's demand was to completely boycott and protest against the British government in India until the caliphate was restored. 

Nothing nationalistic or patriotic there - PLS NOTE. 

The Khilafat committee's ultimate goal was to serve up an !s!amic cause and all means, all methods, all tactics  deployed thereafter were valid. Nothing was out of bounds. Muhammad Ali Jauhar + his elder brother Shaukat Ali Jauhar  = The Ali Brothers planned, lead & executed the Khilafat movement from the front. These 2 were educated both in the !s!amic whatever education system and Oxford higher education. One of them even served as some kind of a bureaucrat in the Baroda government, was the founder president of the All India M League, which all Hindus know was directly responsible for Bharat's partition.

The Ali brothers played a pioneering role in expanding the influence of the Aligarh Muslim University & Jamia Millia Islamia, which regularly sends their grads to tv studios, who come to prominence on national tv, then build on the movement by taking it forward at ground level. Steps in our esteemed Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi pledging unconditional support to the Ali brothers, That worked like a booster dose for the Khilafat. This support meant that the Ali Brothers suddenly had significant mass of Hindus supporting them, bcos the Hindus blindly trusted Gandhi’s thinking that they were actually supporting the freedom struggle against the British.

Gandhi thought that he was using the Ali brothers to achieve H / M unity, but the Ali brothers were always  extremely clear from day one about their objectives, while busy seducing Gandhi! Ali's also kept the M community in a constant state of preparedness for war and developed an extensive network of imams/ maulanas/mullahs/other M religious preachers throughout the country. The part that we lost to Pakistan is 33% of undivided India. Throughout this vast landmass Ali brothers were successfully cultivating an extraordinary network.

From Lahore to Malabar, message & intent on their part was clear - be prepared for aggression at any time. Readers find the time/read the entire account written by Ali himself–speeches/pamphlets- becomes clear the level of planning/precise steps for execution were clinically thought through. In the summer of 1920 the Ali Brothers launched a series of conferences, meetings and highly provocative public speeches addressing the M community, in various parts of  Bharat to restore the Khilafat.

Parallelly the Brits who had appointed a local authority as a Resident Magistrate- one Mr Thakkar noted with each passing day the Ali Brothers tone was aggressive, compelling their community to force violence -thru their over zealous angry speeches, escalating fervour & emotion. So Mr. Thakkar decided to do something about it - after a particular round of highly provocative speeches, Mr. Thakkar convicted 6 !s!amic preachers on April 25, 1920. Here is what happened next. 

The M's quickly collected and gave wind to their angry feelings by loud cries of allahu akbar. This war cry was used by the mob throughout the Genocide, they asked the police to step back in the town of Malegaon, they burnt temples, killed a sub- inspector, threw his body into the fire, looted the houses of poor who opposed the Khilafat movement.

They killed gau matas mercilessly within the temple compounds, pulling out the intestines and then garlanding the murtis with it, they would display the hanging of skulls of the slaughtered gau matas on the walls and roofs of the mandirs. The Moplahs considered it an act of religion, hacking men in front of their wives. The misery unleashed was beyond description, the Malabar H's were distraught with terror. Old women tottering with faces wrinkled in anguish, cried endlessly. Men lost all hope, desperation loomed large for the Hindus. Can you conceive of a ghastlier  more inhuman crime than the murders of babies and pregnant women? No words of condemnation, no sorrow, nor unshed tears, can ever be enough for the horrors of Aug 20 1921 in Malabar.

A lawyer lady at Mailatur was stripped by the M's in the presence of her husband and brothers who were forced to watch at sword point, the r@pe committed by the brutes in their presence. Gut wrenching. This Moplah genocide of the Hindus is unrivaled in its magnitude and unprecedented in its ferocity. The atrocities perpetrated by the Moplah were seen in countless wells/tanks filled with mutilated half dead bodies of H's who refused to abandon the feet of their ancestors, or their pregnant women  - cut into pieces and left on the roadside/in jungles with unborn babies. MK Gandhi's blind support to the Khilafat and thereafter lack of regret can never ever be hoodwinked or forgotten. The savage Moplah genocide of Malabar H's will turn a full century on 20th Aug 2021, In its run up to the centenary year we witness a - a concocted, concerted effort to project it either as a labour uprising or link it with freedom struggle - both falsehoods!

Whitewashing of historical facts is underway, vide motivated campaigns to mainstream the  massacre & forever graft  into the collective conscience, a blurred savagery  of 100 yrs ago. Moplah genocide of H's must be alive to face historical scrutiny.

A side note  - if you do venture to do some independent reading - many facts don't show up on Page 1 of Google. Proactive subversion? I don't know. Do get to later pages 4,5,6 and beyond and see the savage stuff buried  in there

Final submission -the savagery I've read on this horrific saga, I could not even bring myself to tweet on it. It was so chilling,  blood curdling. Could not stop the tears rolling down, hurting and gasping for those of our own 100 years ago.


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